Friday, September 27, 2013

Twenty-One Units to Go (Day 2)

I am taking twenty-one units of awesomeness. Care to hear about them?

CHEM 109C Organic Chemistry (4 units)
I am excited to cover the chapters on carbohydrates, amino acids/peptides/proteins, coenzymes, lipids, and nucleic acids. Sounds bio-ish, doesn't it?
PSY 123 Cognitive Neuroscience (4 units)
As I took cognitive psychology last quarter, I have a pretty good foundation for this class. This class differs in that it approaches cognition from a biological perspective. I look forward to going into depth about the various methods of investigation, including single-cell recordings, neuroimaging, electrophysiological recordings, and brain stimulation.
PSY 122 Motivation (4 units)
Maybe I will learn how to regain my motivation to do well in my final quarter when my existential side inevitably rears its ugly head...
Existential Sam: Why are you working so hard? It's pointless. We are all going to die. 
Optimistic/Live-in-the-Moment Sam: SHHHHHHHHHHH
PSY 169L Laboratory in Neuroanatomy (5 units)
I love neuroanatomy. The task of differentiating between regions of the brain is extremely daunting (it's all squiggly!), but it is exciting to be able to do so with confidence. I have learned a great deal from past classes, but I look forward to continuing my exploration.
PSY 133 Psychopharmacology (4 units)
Neurotransmitters, pre- and post-synaptic drug actions, disorders ranging from psychosis to depression, and pharmacological treatments? Sounds like Christmas!

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